2nd Annual


September 22nd to 29th 2003



Inspired by the "Darwin Fringe Festival", the Darwin Syringe Festival was initiated by the Network Against Prohibition in order to counter some of the negative myths and stereotypes about intravenous drug use, and to raise awareness about safe injecting and the health of drug users.

The 2002 Darwin Syringe Festival included a week long program of events aimed at reaching out to many different sections of the community. Highlights of the festival included a very successful dance party, Community Smoke In and poster-art competition.

The 2003 Darwin Syringe Festival will be held in conjunction with the 1st international conference on using Direct Action to End the War On Drugs. If you would like to be involved in the syringe festival or the conference, please email us at darwinsyringefestival@yahoo.com.